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This page was composed by a credentialed teacher in California who loves Jesus. "The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus." 1 Timothy 1:14

Fragments, Run-ons, Comma Splices Quiz.

On a numbered piece of paper(1-20) write Correct if the sentence is correct, Fragment if the sentence is a fragment, Run-on if the sentence is a run-on, and Comma splice if the sentence is a comma splice.

Check your answers with the correct answers which follow the quiz below.

1. About an hour later Jesus arrived.

2. Jesus came to save the world Jesus did not come to condemn us.

3. Here's the truth, Jesus died for our sins.

4. The children must recite and practice "The Pledge of Allegiance."

5. "The Pledge of Allegiance" is performed in schools, it is good to recite the "pledge" in schools.

6. George Washington worked very hard as a surveyor, nevertheless, we don't remember him for his surveying skills.

7. While the delegates are working hard, we don’t think they can finish by the 4th of July.

8. The delegates are working hard, we don't think they can finish the Declaration of Independence by the 4th of July.

9. Although Peter's first efforts at proclaiming the truth about Jesus failed miserably.

10. After the sermon on the mount.

11. It is the meek who will inherit the world, the boaster is full of pride.

12. Pastors have different styles, they all need, however, to be skilled in handling people.

13. Congress must proceed according to rules furthermore, Congressional meetings must be conducted fairly.

14. Because many impromptu meetings take place.

15. The building of the Washington monument was interrupted when funding was running out and the Civil War began, it was started up again, but the marble used in the first 100 feet could not be matched exactly.

16. Service can come in many forms, for example, it can be as simple as prayer.

17. The word "cool" originally meant a slight low temperature.

18. Jesus and the Disciples stepped into the boat then they went over to the other side of the lake.

19. A characteristic of Christians is that they believe they are saved by the grace of God.

20. Jesus fell carrying the cross.

Answers and explanations:

1. About an hour later Jesus arrived.
This sentence is complete because the verb arrived has a subject-Jesus.
"About an hour later" gives added information to the sentence "Jesus arrived."
Many people want to put a comma after later, but this is not necessary.
The introduction ("About an hour later") has fewer than five words with no verb in it.

2. Jesus came to save the world Jesus did not come to condemn us.
These are two complete sentences in one.
The verb in the first independent clause is came, and the subject is Jesus.
In the next independent clause the verb is come. The subject here is also Jesus.

3. Here's the truth, Jesus died for our sins.
Comma splice
These are two independent clauses joined together: The verb in the first clause is is, and the associative noun is truth, and the verb in the other independent clause is died (Jesus died for our sins).

4. The children must recite and practice "The Pledge of Allegiance."
This is a complete sentence. The verb phrase "must recite and practice" has children as its subject.
The other words in the sentence give added information to the basic sentence.

5. "The Pledge of Allegiance" is performed in schools, it is good to recite the "pledge" in schools.
Comma splice
This is a comma splice. Notice how each word group before and after the comma has its own verb, subject, and independence. In the first clause, "is performed" is the verb phrase, and "The Pledge of Allegiance" is the subject. In the clause after the comma, is is the linking verb associated with the pronoun it, and all the other words in this clause add information to "It is."

6. George Washington worked very hard as a surveyor, nevertheless, we don't remember him for his surveying skills.
Comma splice
The verb worked has a subject: George Washington. The verb remember is associated with the subject we. Therefore, these are two independent clauses with a comma and a transitional word (nevertheless) in the middle. If you take out nevertheless, between the independent clauses a comma splice is formed (Two independent clauses joined by a comma).
When joining closely related ideas that are are independent clauses do not use a comma and a transitional word. Instead, add a semicolon after the first clause:
George Washington worked very hard as a surveyor; nevertheless, we don't remember him for his surveying skills.

7. While the delegates are working hard, we don't think they can finish by the 4th of July.
While begins a dependent clause. A dependent clause is a group of words with a subject and a verb. It does not express a complete thought so it is not a sentence and can't stand alone. This first-word group cannot stand alone. When you use a comma and a complete sentence after an introduction, you have written a complete sentence. Many sentences have introductions beginning with dependent conjunctions such as "while."

8. The delegates are working hard, we don't think they can finish the Declaration of Independence by the 4th of July.
Comma splice
This is a comma splice; two complete sentences are joined with a comma.

9. Although Peter's first efforts at proclaiming the truth about Jesus failed miserably.
What part of speech is although? It is a dependent conjunction.
Dependent conjunctions begin a word group that gives added information. This introduction, long though it is, is only part of a sentence and cannot stand alone.

Some confusion can result when a dependent word group comes after an independent clause.
If the meaning of the sentence would be changed if the dependent word group were taken out, omit the comma before it.
If the meaning of the sentence would not be changed if the dependent word group was omitted, add a comma.

10. After the sermon on the mount.
Fragments leave you hanging; they are group of words that do not express a complete thought.

11. It is the meek who will inherit the world, the boaster is full of pride.
Comma splice
Since there are two complete sentences, they cannot be joined with a comma. A comma followed by a coordinating conjunction would be fine. A period instead of the comma would also be fine. You could also replace the comma with a semicolon.

12. Pastors have different styles, they all need, however, to be skilled in handling people.
Comma splice
The verb in the first sentence is have, and the subject is Pastors.
The second sentence could catch you off guard with however in the middle of it. However may be used as a transitional word, but it may also be used to interrupt a complete sentence. That is exactly how however is working in this sentence. Notice if you omit however, the second clause or sentence reads, "They all need to be skilled in handling people."
Therefore, this is a comma splice; two sentences are joined incorrectly with a comma.

13. Congress must proceed according to rules furthermore, Congressional meetings must be conducted fairly.
Since these two sentences are not joined or separated at all, this is an example of a run-on. The writer remembered to put a comma after the transitional word furthermore, but forgot to put a semicolon before it.

14. Because many impromptu meetings take place.
Because is a dependent conjunction. This is a group of words that do not express a complete thought.

15. The building of the Washington monument was interrupted when funding was running out and the Civil War began, it was started up again, but the marble used in the first 100 feet could not be matched exactly.
Comma splice
A coordinate conjunction is used, but there are two independent clauses preceeding it.

16. Service can come in many forms, for example, it can be as simple as prayer.
Comma splice
First, take out the transitional expression.
Are there two complete sentences joined by a comma?
If your answer is Yes, then you will recognize why this is a comma splice.
For example is being used as a transitional expression, and it should be preceeded by a semicolon or a period.

17. The word cool originally meant a slight low temperture.
Meant is the verb. If you ask yourself, "what meant?" you would say cool meant. The other words in the sentence give the sentence independence.

18. Jesus and the Disciples stepped into the boat then they went over to the other side of the lake.
Many people think then works like a coordinate conjunction. It does not.
These two sentences are running together. If you want to use then to join the sentences, you should use a semicolon before then. You could also end the first sentence with a period after the word boat, and start the second sentence with a capital letter.
When you see then joining two sentences, add a comma followed by the conjunction-and.
Jesus and the Disciples stepped into the boat, and then they went over to the other side of the lake.

19. A characteristic of Christians is that they believe they are saved by the grace of God.
Is is the verb of this sentence. Characteristic is the subject of the sentence. The other words give added information to the sentence. A prepostional phrase appears in the sentence: "...of Christians."

20. Jesus fell carrying the cross.
Complete sentence
This sentence has a subject, verb, and object.

Note: Although He endured pain and suffering, Jesus completed His purpose on Earth.

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